June 2018

Ethical considerations when investing in technology


The technology sector has massively outperformed wider indexes, making it an attractive area for investors. However, the exponential rate of development is reshaping economies and society that have traditionally been structured around 19th and 20th century models.

For investors concerned about the type of world that they are helping to create, three key areas to consider are automation: artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and supply chains.

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Learning objectives

After reading this article, you should be able to:

  • relate automation to social unrest
  • analyse how economies might be changed by technology
  • explain why attitudes towards AI and big data are changing
  • discuss drivers of supply chain behaviour.

Knowledge areas and accreditation

Knowledge area: Ethics (60 minutes/1.0 point).
FPA CPD points 1.0 Dimension: Professional Conduct (Ethics) (FPA 010130).
AFA CPD points 1.0 (AFA 01022009).
CPA Australia CPD points 1.0 (CPA 000557).
TPB CPE (60 minutes/1.0 point).
SMSF Association CPD points: 1.0.

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